12.Sınıf Mesleki Yabancı Dil 1.Dönem 1.Yazılı Çalışma Soruları
Aşağıdaki boşlukları doldurun bu kelimelerle doldurun.
Motherboard – Temporary – CD-ROM – Central ProcessingUnit – Hard Disk Drive – DVD – PS/2 – Port – Mouse
1. The …MOTHERBOARD… provides connections for all parts of a computer.
2. CPU is the shortened form of …CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT…
3. Random Access Memory (RAM) maintains …Temporary….computer data storage.
4. …Hard Disk Drive….is a storage device with very large capacity.
5. …CD-ROM….to provides upport for placing and running CDs.
6. …DVD… is very similar to a CD, but it has a much larger data storage capacity
7. …PS/2… is used to connect a computer Mouse or keyboard
8. The basic function of …MOUSE… is pointing to a specific position on the screen.
Aşağıda tanımları verilen bilgisayar parçalarının isimlerini karşılarına yazın.
Serialports – CPU(Central ProcessingUnit) – Hard Disk Drive – Card Reader– Sound Cards – Video Cards – Network cards – PowerSuply
9. ………… Serial ports ……………………is commonly used to connect external modems, scanners or the older computer Mouse to the computer.
10. ………… CPU (Central ProcessingUnit) ……………………..) is theportion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program, to perform the basic arithmetical, logical, andinput/output operations of thesystem.
11. ……… Hard Disk Drive …………………..is a storage device with very large capacity, which ranges from 1GB toTerabytes in the modern scenario.
12.………… Card Reader ………………… is a hardware unit that enable sthe data in the memory cards to be processed.
13. …………… Sound Cards ………………allow computers to produce sound like music and voice.
14. …………… Video cards …………………..Allow computers to display video andanimation. Recent video cards mostly have HDMI support.
15. ………… Network cards …………………………Allow computers to connect together to communicate with each other and maintains a network jack for Ethernet cableconnection.
16. ………… Power Supply …………..It converts general-purpose alter nating current (AC) electric power from the main stolow-voltage DC power for the internal components of the computer (220 V to 240 V at 50 Hz).
17. Aşağıda İngilizce yazılışları verilen bilgisayar parçalarının Türkçe karşılıklarını yazın
Network connection : Ağ Bağlantısı
Display Units : Görüntüleme Birimleri
Dot Matrix Printer :Nokta Vuruşlu Yazıcı
Head phones :Kulaklık
External Hardware :Harici Donanım
18. Aşağıdaki sol tablodaki kelimelerin Türkçe karşılıklarını, sağ tablodaki uygun kelimelerden bularak( HARF ŞEKLİNDE) yazınız.
Aşağıdaki cümlelerde boş yerlere doğru kelimeleri yazınız.
19. Most important input device keyboard functions as typing alphabets(harfler), numbers and operators, besides it controls the cursor seen on the screen.
20. The Mother Board provides connections for all parts of a computer.
21 . Power Supply supplies direct current power to the other components in a computer.
22. Random Access Memory (RAM) maintains temporary computer data storage.
Aşağıda İngilizce yazılışları verilen bilgisayar parçalarının Türkçe karşılıklarını yazın.
23. Network connection ……… Ağ Bağlantısı…….………
24. Dot Matrix Printer ……… Nokta Vuruşlu Yazıcı ………….
25. Memory ……………Bellek ………………………………………….
26. Printer à …………Yazıcı…………………..…………….